The South Australian Tutoring Service

Phone (08) 8246 5465 to Access a Tutor



Phone (08) 8246 5465 to book a tutor for your child

Tutors that are Caring and Supportive of Your Child

Our tutors offer understanding, patience and perseverance when helping your child learn. Our tutors ensure your child has positive reinforcement so they achieve a sense of self-belief and feel supported. We have tremendous experience with kids and understand how the best way to create an encouraging work environment where they feel motivated to put in the work to learn. 

Tailored Tutoring Delivering Academic Results

Tutoring is given to match the competency and confidence of your child. We gently push them to grow, but only within healthy limits that represents a comfotable stretch for your child. As they achieve each new target, their confidence grows - and with it, self belief, leading to inner strength and knowing within themselves that they can accomplish anything they put their mind to.

Adelaide’s Best In-Home Tutoring Service

Lessons are conducted in the comfort and convenience of the child’s home. Alternatively, we can teach your child in a public facility such as a library or even online,

Primary School Tutors and High School Tutors in Adelaide

Tutoring is avaialbe for both primary age and high school age children in South Australia. This service can also cater for adults that are doing either primary and secondary studies.

Tutoring Service for School Children in Metropolitan Adelaide

This tutoring programme is developed for South Australian school age kids. It focusses on on the Australian Curriculum and Australian literary standars and conventions are adhered to.

Online Tutoring Lessons Available via Skype

Remote lessons via videoconferencing are offered to families that are outside the Adelaide metropolitan area, including those in other states of Australia (or worldwide) or who are unable to travel, in hospital or in lockdown.  


The South Australian School  Tutoring System

SouthAustralia.Education is an educational service operating to benefit people in South Australia. One of the services offered is a tutoring service for school age children in Adelaide. While the tutoing service is delivered in metropolitan Adelaide, it is also available remotely (via Skype) to families that live in regional South Australia, other Australian states; for families that find themselves overseas; and for shool children that are restricted to home (e.g. lockdowns) or are in hospital.

Our mission is to provide academic coaching to South Australian school age children who are finding difficulty understanding some school subjects, or who may be falling behind the rest of their class.

We cater for the full range of primary and secondary school subjects - providing intensive tutoring to your child. This is high-impact, results-oriented tutoring designed to address particular issues at hand. We will address all trouble areas directly, resolving them as efficiently as possible.

Do not allow your child to be disadvantaged in the future job market. Give your sons and daughters the interventions they deserve now, to be on the frontline at school. They simply cannot slip behind today as it will create a formidable gap every month/year that passes - and that gap will get larger and more difficult to close.

Tutoring action now will help prevent potential financial and social challenges that could arise in your child's life.


Tutoring is the Best Way to Help Your Child Overcome Learning Difficulties or Catch Up to the Class

We have the topic knowledge and the patience to coach them in any trouble areas, in a manner that is positive, respectful and caring. We always give our very best to significantly improve their learning and set them on a course to a better future.

Education is the single, most important determinant of career and financial success. Your child's future is being created today, in their present school work. Hence, their scholastic ability and the quality of their personal learning experience is critical; and directly correlated with their future life quality. When kids properly understand their school work, they are happy, they are confident and they achieve more.

Australia is now a service economy, tied into a global marketplace that is knowledge-driven. By the time your child is an adult, they will need to fend off other competitors for work opportunities - competitors whose greatest asset will be their level of education. Your child’s most important competitive advantage therefore, will be their education. 


Academic Tutors for Primary and Secondary School Age Children in Adelaide

Achieving strong educational growth in your child, is our mission. While our wish is that every child in South Australia enjoy a happy and easy learning experience at school, we know that kids don't always have a 'bump-free' ride in their learning. It is perfectly natural for school children to find learning challenges in some subjects, so don't worry Mum and Dad, they simply need a little extra help that we can give. Your job is simply to provide that help to your child - it's our job to get them over any bumps - and we can definitely do that for them.

We are here to help, right now, in this very moment when your child is relying on you to provide the help they need. We can fix any school work problems that exist for your child.


Call us for a free, no obligation chat on (08) 8246 5465 during business hours or submit your details through the form below, to organise your first tutoring session.

Your child’s first lesson will include an assessment of their academic performace that will help determine what areas of concen (e.g. maths, English, science, HASS etc.) your child requires help with first. From this assessment, we can then make sure that the tutoring your child receives first addrsses directly, any problem areas or school subjects that need the most attention from the tutor.

Our tutors come to you and all teaching is conveniently carried out in the comfort of your child's home (or we can teach siblings, or children in small groups). We can also provide online tutoring to any English speaker in the world. 

Our objective is to ensure your child enjoys highly effective academic help in the areas that will provide the most efficient results.

We Provide Tutoring and Academic Coaching for Adults to Complete Work Assignments, Reports and Give Presentations

Adults use our tutoring service for many different reasons. Some of people recently arrived in Australia who need help with their English. Other adults use our adult tutoring service to help then deal with writing and mathematics in their work, such as helping write reports, improving the quality of their writing (we check for grammatical errors, correct spelling, cohesive structure and the strength of their argument in persuasive texts) as well as helping adults create visually stunning presentations that they may need to give in person to groups. We also coach people in public speaking, so they can delivery speeches and present confidently, persuasively and professionally, helping them in sales presentation, reporting to Boards, seeking sponsors, raising money or to give public speeches at events such as conferences, meetings and weddings.

Often, people require help in working out how to solve work problems, particularly problems involving statistics, mathematics, financial costings, volume measurement and geometry. We can help you solve common work, financial, business, economics and practical calculations you may have that you are unsure how to solve or for which you would like to find other potential ways of dealing with. 

We also produce videos of people giving presentations, people delivering educational content, and we produce training videos and sales videos that include people speaking, slides, graphs, animations, video clips, research findings, images as well as other information and entertainment content. The videos we produce can be used for staff meetings, interviews, sales conferences, staff training and induction, for corporate public relations, for winning bids and tenders, and can be used by governments for public announcements. We work in collaboration with one of South Australia’s best digital multimedia marketing media agencies, who know how to make your message cut through clearly and be understood, and your video will be produced as professionally as a television station.  


Accessing the Best Tutors in Adelaide for Primary School and High School Children

How do I book a school tutor for my child?

To book tutoring support lessons for your school age child in Adelaide, please fill in the form below and a tutor in your area will call you back to arrange tutoring support for your family.  

Alternatively, phone (08) 8246 5465 to speak to our Reception and book a tutor for your child. 

Book A Tutor

School Holidays Tutoring Programme for Summer 2023/2024. Vacation Lessons in Adelaide.

We are running tutoring lessons for school children over the school summer holidays across Adelaide. We do revision of the school year just completed and also prepare kids for the coming school year. Students are taken through the school curriculum for the coming year, in advance of starting school, so they get a preview of the work to come and learn how to do the coming year’s work, before the rest of the kids even see it. This provides a tremendous competitive advantage for your child by receiving our tuition over the school holidays because they can enter the new school year full of confidence, having been taught the work prior to it even being presented to them by their teacher during the year. Contact us on (08 8246 5465 to find out more about school holidays tutoring offered at different locations in Adelaide, South Australia. This is a popular summer learning programme for families of school age children who want to give their kids useful study in the school holidays and a ‘heads up’ ahead of the 2024 school year. Lessons are offered both in person and online remotely via Skype videoconference. Online tutoring is open to any school children in Australia, New Zealand, the US, UK, Canada, India and South Africa…or elsewhere in the world, providing the child can speak English. 

FAQ: The South Australian Tutoring Service for School Children in Adelaide - How it Works

What times are tutors available and where are the lessons held?

Lessons can be booked between 9:30am and 8pm Adelaide time, every weekday, subject to the availability of tutors in your area. Weekend tutoring is also available on Saturdays between 9:30am and 5:00pm; and on Sundays between 9:30am and 12:00pm. Lessons are held either in the child’s home, a relative’s home or in a suitable public location such as a library. Tutoring can also be delivered online via videoconferencing software such as Skype and Jitsi-Meet.

What is the best type of room environment in which to conduct tutoring for my child? 

Tutoring must be conducted in a suitable environment that is relatively quiet, clean and provide access to a large desk at which both the child and the tutor can sit together on comfortable chairs for a full hour, without interruptions. Children are encouraged to have within easy reach a bottle of water, tissues and pens/pencils/sharpeners/rulers or other items they may need to complete their work. It is best to prepare your child for their lesson by have them go to the toilet prior to their lesson beginning. 

Is Skype-based tutoring (online lessons) available for people that live remotely or that can’t easily meet tutors in person?

Yes, Skype-based school coaching is available for children of families that either live outside of the Adelaide metropolitan area or who have difficulty meeting tutors face-to-face (e.g. distance, mobility, lack of transport, hospitalisation, lock-downs etc.). These lessons are conducted via Skype. Please read carefully the next paragraph that explains in detail how to get online lessons for your child. 

How much does tutoring cost?

Lessons are for one hour (60 minutes), whether in person at home, in person at a library, or online via Skype. Lessons can also be booked for one and a half hours (90 minutes) and two hours (120 minutes). Longer, extended sessions are also available upon request.

 * One hour tutoring is $50 for library and Skype lessons ($80 for home visits).
 * One and a half hour tutoring is $75 for library and Skype lessons ($120 for home visits).
 * Two hour lessons are $100 for library and Skype lessons ($150 for home visits).

Extended tutoring sessions (e.g. that go over an entire morning, an afternoon or an evening) are priced upon request. 

What equipment do I need to get online (Skype/Zoom/Google Hangouts) tutoring for my child?

You will need an internet-connected computer, ideally one that was manufactured from 2012 onwards. It can be a Mac, Windows PC, Linux computer (e.g. Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro OS etc.) or a Chromebook. It must have a decent webcam and screen - which most laptops from 2012 onwards would have integrated into the laptop. If you have a desktop tower (likely placed on the floor) connected into a monitor, these often lack a built-in webcam so you would need to purchase a 1080p USB webcam for it that is compatible with your operating system (it is best to seek help from a knowleable salesperson to check it will work with your system, before you buy). You will also need to download and install Skype to your computer, which is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. If you have a Chromebook you can either install the Skype for Android app, or if you can enable Linux support your particular Chromebook, then you can run the Linux Skype app in most instances. Chromebook users that cannot run Skype can be sent a Skype Web meeting link that when clicked will run a Skype session in their browser.

If you have an iPad, iPad Air or iPad Pro, then you can simply install the free Skype app directly from the Apple App Store. If you have an Android tablet, it is available in the Google Play Store. If you have a Windows tablet it will likely already be installed on your system from factory - if not, then visit the Microsoft Store and install it on your Windows tablet. Note that very small tablets such as the 7.9” iPad Mini (or similarly small screened tablets) are not suitable for tutoring and as a minimum, the 9.7” iPad Air is the smallest sized tablet recommended for receiving tutoring, with the lesson experience improving as the screen size increases. 

You will need to install Skype on your computer or iPad in advance of your first lesson, ensuring you allow access to the microphone and webcam. For more information on configuring Skype and for all the download links please visit:

What Subjects and Year Levels Are Tutors Available For?

Tutoring is available for all Primary school subjects from R-6. Tutoring is also available for all subjects in high school 7-12. Some specialist vocational subjects such as woodworking, cookery etc. may not be supported in all areas. Tutoring is also available for adults to assist in their vocational life in respect to English and mathematics for work situations. See information above for full details on how we help adults. 

Is tutoring for my child catered to their specific needs?

Yes, all tutoring is specfically tailored to the needs of your child. Your child will be assessed in the first lesson in order that the tutor understands the areas and subjects in which your child most needs help. That way, lessons thereafter are designed to provide the maximum learning value to your child, so that progress is made as effectively as possible in the shortest time. Not only is the content curated to your child’s needs, but because every child has a different personality, different confidence levels and style of communication; the way the tutor interacts with them will also be modified for each child, so the child remains engaged, motivated and happy to invest effort into their lesson.

How many tutoring sessions can I book for my child?

Ordinarily, tutoring is booked on an ongoing basis as repeating weekly lessons that fall at the same time on the same day. These weekly lessons usually continue for a specific time frame (e.g. six months) or until the child reaches the learning goals. Some children that need more help often have multiple lessons per week for a period, after which lessons can be brought back to being once weekly. While most children receive tutoring for a finite period while they need extra input and then stop their lessons; we have many parents that elect to provide tutoring support to their child on a permanent or semi-permanent basis, throughout their entire school years or over a few years, in order to give their kids a cumulative advantage and ensure they fully understand all the school work as it is encountered.

What areas in South Australia are currently serviced by the tutoring service?

At present, live tutoring is available in metropolitan Adelaide with support for the main regional centres (e.g. Mount Gambier, Whyalla etc.) planned for 2024. School students who want lessons and who live outside metropolitan Adelaide can still receive tutoring online using our Skype online tutor service. We can actually provide online tutoring to any school child in the world with reliable internet access, who speaks English. 

What if we don’t live in an area that is currently serviced? Can I still get tutoring for my school age child?

Yes, tutoring is available for families that live outside of the above areas. High quality tutoring is availble to your child via Skype. This allows a fully interactive lesson to be administered to your child that delivers very similar benefits to a lesson given in person. The same tutors that provide the in-person lessons also provide the live Skype lessons, so it represents an excellent way for families to overcome difficulites related to transport, distance, mobility or other factors that make it impractical to attend in-person lessons. The same content and learning is taught over Skype as it is taught in-person. 

Is tutoring available for adults too?

Yes, in-person, one-on-one tutoring is available for adults and mature-age students that are studying in Adelaide, South Australia. Adults receive the same high quality tutoring as do children, however of course, it is delivered in a manner that is suitable for adult-level communication. Adults living outside of metropolitan Adelaide can also receive online tutoring via Skype if it better suits them.

Can I speak to a tutor before booking a lesson?

Yes, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. You can either call us directly by phoning (08) 8246 5465 during office hours; or simply fill in the form below to receive a call back from a tutor. There is no cost or obligation in asking us any questions or to seek information about how we can help you or your child academically.